Raidījumā ''Smagsvars'' viesos jaunākā modernā metāla grupa Latvijā - "Nettletie".

Atskaņotās mūzikas saraksts:

  1. Palesface Swiss - My Blood On Your Hands
  2. Alpha Wolf - Akudama
  3. Spiritbox - Circle With Me
  4. Shadow Of Intent - The Migrant
  5. Whitecahpel - Hymns In Dissonance
  6. Nettletie - INDE
  7. I Prevail - Self-Destruction
  8. Garu Pagrabs - Galenais Ir Pilna Bāka
  9. Sanctimony - Sounds
  10. Nettletie - Break For You
  11. Nettletie - No Way Out
  12. Bad Omens - Artificial Suicide
  13. Wage War - Stich
  14. Sleep Token - Gods
  15. thrown - guilt
  16. Lorna Shore - Cursed To Die
  17. Make Them Suffer - Doomswitch
  18. The Browning - Poison
  19. Resolve - Older Days (pied. ten56, Paleface Swiss)
  20. Code Orange - Take Shape (pied. Billy Corgan)
  21. TessaracT - War Of Beign